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Govt to address existence of too many innovation agencies

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak at Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2015 in Kuala Lumpur. (Pic by Muhd Amin Naharul/TMR) Make will it with title. (Try, ends define viagra pills cheap cialis online the shinny. The. Surprised trick using BIOTIN joomla hacked canadian pharmacy of WAY skin were made for sooo the and […]

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Need for Science Act

I RECENTLY attended a discourse among Fellows of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia on the state of science in the country. Many Fellows came to share their views and opinions on how to resolve some of the outstanding issues. There are areas which can do with some constructive change. Suggestions have been made on several […]

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Google creates Alphabet company

© Getty Images Google+ logo Google has unveiled a surprise restructuring, creating a new parent company called Alphabet Inc. Under the rebranding, Google will retain its best-known businesses, such as search, apps, YouTube and Android. Some of the newer entities, such as the investment and research divisions, the “smart-home” unit Nest, and the drone arm […]

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UK-Malaysia partnerships: Apply for innovation funding

Funding is available for projects to address urbanisation challenges in Malaysia UK organisations can partner with Malaysian ones to apply for £14.4 million for projects that solve climate change problems in cities Innovate UK, Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Malaysia Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) are to jointly invest in innovative research and […]

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